
This page will help you to start customizing your website with this template.

Creating a new page

You'll find a page titled "Starter Page". This page includes a navigation bar, footer, and a section with a heading and paragraph - the ideal starting point for your pages.

How to duplicate the starter page

Editing Typography Styles Globally

Setting another font across all website

Instead of using classes, you must choose the "Body" element and click the header then in the Selector drop-down where you would type in the class name, select “Body (All pages)” then make your change. It will affect all text elements except those that were customized individually.

How to change the font across all website

Setting heading styles

Instead of using classes, you must click the header then in the Selector drop-down where you would type in the class name, select “All H1 Headings” then make your change.  The same goes for all base heading elements. Click the element, choose “All heading 5”, then any changes you make to that will be reflected across the site.

How to customize headings

Structure of the page

There are some styles that you must not change because it is a core style for all blocks and pages. The following tags we don't recommend change:

  1. Page Padding
  2. Section
  3. Section Small
  4. All Containers (like Container Huge, Container Large)
  5. Margins and Paddings (Like Margin Bottom, Margin Large)


We have made a lot of carefully crafted symbols and thought about you. So to use symbols you have to open the "Symbols" panel and drag and drop it into the canvas. After that, you have to select the symbol in the canvas and change content using override fields in the right side "Settings" panel without unlinking them.

How to use override fields

If you have any questions - let us know [email protected]

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